Letter - Flowers 9-7-24

Posted 9/7/24

Writer counters previous letter supporting Trump

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Letter - Flowers 9-7-24


To the Editor:

After reading Michael Busch’s recent letter, I feel the need to respond.

Mr. Busch claims that inflation is at 19.4%, but it’s currently at 2.9%, while worldwide inflation is 5.94%.

He talks about crime being so bad, but currently murders are down 13.2%, violent crimes are down 5.7%, property crimes are down 43%.

Murder rates did increase 30% - from 2019-20, while the crime rate increased 5% in the same period. This was under the Trump administration.

Hunter Biden was convicted of his crimes, as was Trump. I am wondering, if Hunter Biden is sent to jail for his felony conviction, shouldn’t Trump be afforded the same treatment and also receive a jail sentence?

Mr. Busch mentioned that Kevin Schultz had talked to me about Trump calling John McCain a sucker and loser. I wonder where he got his information, as I’d never visited with Schultz until Sept. 1. I recall Mr. Schultz telling me that Trump called John McCain a “coward,” not a sucker and loser. Trump was running around with his exception for bone spurs, while McCain was spending 5-and-a-half years in a North Vietnamese prison.

Who was the coward? Not John McCain. I would call McCain the hero, and Trump the coward.

According to Washington Post fact checkers, Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims while in office.

As for the 10 commandments, Trump should know them, as he has broken most of them.

We hear so much from Republicans criticizing Gov. Walz for not calling the National Guard in quickly enough for the rioting after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. I have not heard one word of condemnation from Republicans about Trump watching the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol for three hours before doing anything to stop the riot at the Capitol.

Charlie Flowers